I started off with a 10×24 blank water color paper, detailed out the boxes and with the number 1.6180339887498948482… in mind, began to shape and sketch out a basic concept.

The beginning is a quick sketch with a few straight lines and a developing idea. I wanted to take the idea that the world follows a transitional line of evolution, and growth. Fibonacci’s Golden Ratio was, dare I say, “perfect” for the composition.

I believe, much like the act of painting mimics a bird eyes view of life, that life is a series of mistakes that you learn from, and with a little luck you ultimately create what you desire. Therefore, life becomes your work of art. A masterpiece.
The finished piece:

So what are you looking at? There are many symbols through out a painting, here are a few that I listed. Some have sentimental meaning, and others address the topic of the painting.

- Me. Attempting to prune some rose bushes.
- Roses represent my Grandfather’s passion for gardening. I worked with him in his yard where he shared his passion with me for gardening.
- Cam the Squid stadium is based off of the Seahawk football field in Seattle Washington. (GO Hawks!)
- This is an image of a house I wanted to buy at the time of the creation of the piece. Blue and white trim. We finally built a house much like it where this painting is hanging.
- Lake Powel, and southern Utah has influenced my artwork and general wellbeing with its beautiful colors and rock formations.
- The ant represents the different perspective one might have compared to us. That is why it looks like it is walking on the outside of the line. Also while sketching out the piece I was listening to a mix of Anticon artists. Their business label is an ant.
- Represents a possible future with clean air and fresh foods.
- The big bang! January 1st in the cosmic calendar.
- Asteroids floating through space with the building blocks of life. Carbon.
- When the earth was formed it was a viscous landscape with molten rock and volcanic eruptions. I wanted to show an asteroid, the one in number 9, breaking through the atmosphere.
- Evolution. A simple representation of Darwin’s life changing discovery.
- More of the same line of evolution, and I wanted to show the evolution of dinosaurs.
- The Asteroid that wiped out the dinosaurs and caused an Ice age.
- Raven Rider, which is something I’ve drawn on a few paintings now. It represents riding the wings of the muse (inspiration)
- The growth of humankind and society.
- This reflection of light.
- Our Universe and its growth.
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