The stained glass windows of this cathedral are a site to behold. This Gothic style chapel took 7 years to build and has 1,113 stained glass windows. This building opened in April 1248, during the Rayonnant Gothic Period. The chapel was built by King Louie IX of France, to house the most sacred artifacts of the Passion. One of those artifacts is a the crown of thrones that Jesus wore on his head. Although it never held the crown, the Notre dame cathedral a few blocks away was the place for the ancient relic.
As you enter the chapel (image above) it is filled with souvenirs and information about the magnificence of the Sainte Chapelle. The first floor has a unique beauty to it, and right before you walk up the stairway take a gander at the smaller vaulted ceiling riddled in a deep royal blue and accented with golden arches. I like to think that this room, before turning it into a gift shop, held some mysterious inner workings of an archaic religion.

The second floor is the magnum opus of this Rayonnant Gothic Architecture. This period of architecture is between the 13th and 14th century and focused on putting an emphasis of visible light and openness to the cathedral. Notice the way the light hits each stain glass window, illuminating the chapel and transferring you to a time of luxurious royalty.

Sainte Chapele, is a must see for any traveler young and old. Go experience the breathe taking stain glass windows of this incredibly expressive form of gothic art.

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