There are many art forms that I admire, and look upon from a far. Graffiti art is one of them. As a kid I was fascinated by the art of the spray can. Fascinated by the process, the colors, and rebellion behind it all.

I don’t want to glorify vandalism, but there is a beautiful process to the whole thing. A hypnotic culture swirling around with color, chaotic in some parts, and technical in others. We get a mixture of true protest art with a sense of community all at once.
The experience of going to the east-central parts of San Francisco called the “Mission District” opened my eyes to the beauty of it all. Yet, I feebly attempt to share the experience on Squidink-art.com, it really is quiet different then actually going and seeing it for yourself.
Through the cental part of the Mission district, and on several buildings we see a wild mixture of Graffiti from all over. Artists display different techniques, patterns, shading, and always with a tremendous blast of color. These street murals are truly thought provoking works of creativity and has some of the best murals in the United States.
All of the photos below are different murals done by the artist community in San Francisco, California. These are not printable and not for sale, but hopefully these images will excite the artist inside you, and raise some awareness of the culture that is Graffiti Art.
Stewie on a Truck SurfBear Artist Tag RedLeftHand Callingallcars MD_SF_MotherCosmo MD_SF_MotherCosmo.edit
My hope is to shine a light on this expressive creativity, exposing it as an Art form rather than vandalism. Recently many approved grants are given to Artists through out cities to create different murals. City Counsels often grant commissioned based work to add to the character and culture around the progressive towns in the United States. San Francisco has accomplished a unique vibe with this art form, and allows the adventurer a warm unforgettable experience.
Those who read this post, I hope will understand my intention to bring a spotlight on the growing movement of Graffiti Artwork. Rather than call it vandalism, my intent is to sway the perspective of it so we can enjoy it for what it is, beautiful mastery of a different medium in painting.
MD_SF_TurtleIsland MD_SF_Hella Resist Bear MD_SF_UrbanLyfeStyle MD_SF_OceanBorn MD_SF_LoungeSinger MD_SF_ClothPatterns
A huge thank you to the artist of the Mission District Community, who may go unnoticed. Your art has stuck with me, and continues to inspire me to create.