Finishing up on the FutureWave series. There have been 3 how to videos showing the process of how the painting is created. For time sake, we put everything through a timelapse setting. As these paintings take sever hours to complete.
Step 6 : Dealing with the water’s reflection – Remember to reflect all the ‘Different’ colors that are shown in the painting. When painting water, the biggest obstacle is making it look translucent. This is accomplished by causing a reflection of skin or what ever is being refracted. It is important to take in consideration the lighting and how many colors have been used in the painting. You must reflect each color.
Step 7: Let the water flow! – Keep in mind with the water color medium, its important to delude the color by adding more water. This allows you to test colors without them being to strong. Of course once you’ve got the backdrop, you can add more color with less water. This allows you to hide mistakes as well.
Step 8: Sign your work – While finishing the piece you’ll want to tell everyone who did it, please take pride in your work and your name. After all it was created by you, and you should be proud of your accomplishments.
I hope you have enjoyed this painting, I know it took a lot to complete and for that I’m pleased with the way it turned out. Please feel free to send me your own variation of Futurewave painting. Lets share the art!